martes, 3 de febrero de 2015

English zone

Here you have to study English.

                                                UNIT 2: TANZANIA

This animals you have to study (in plural):

Lions = Leones        Snakes = Serpientes      Buffaloes = Búfalos      Ostriches = Avestruces

Cheetahs = Guepardos       Flamingos = Flamencos         Rhinos = Rinocerontes   

Eagles = Águilas      Vultures = Buitres      Hippos = Hipopótamos         Giraffes = Jirafa

Crocodiles = Cocodrilos       Zebras = Cebras       Elephants = Elefantes   Monkeys = Monos

You have to study this verbs:

Can = Poder   Have = Tener    Live = Vivir   To be = Ser/Estar  

You can repase the personals pronouns:

I = Yo        You = Tú/Vosotros    He = Él    She = Ella   It = Ello (In Spain never use this)

We = Nosotros  They = Ellos/Ellas

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